Ultimate AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate 2023
Pass the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Certification SAA-C02. Complete Amazon Web Services Cloud training!
132 Students
24 hours

What you'll learn

FULLY UPDATED FOR SAA-C02: Pass the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Certification
Perform Real-World Solution Architecture on AWS
Learn the Serverless Fundamentals (Lambda, DynamoDB, Cognito, API Gateway)
Understand the Well-Architected Framework, Disaster Recovery
Secure your entire AWS Cloud using KMS, IAM Policies & SSM
All 600+ slides available as downloadable PDF
Learn the AWS Fundamentals (EC2, ELB, ASG, RDS, ElastiCache, S3)
Analyze 10+ Solution Architectures (traditional & serverless)
Master all the differences of Databases on AWS
100% online courses
Start instantly and learn at your own schedule
Flexible Schedule
Set and maintain flexible deadlines.
Beginner Level
No prior experience required
Approx. 4 months to complete
Suggested 5 hours/week
Subtitles: English


  • Know the basics of IT
  • No AWS Cloud experience is necessary, we'll use the AWS Free Tier
  • Windows / Linux / Mac OS X Machine


Information: The course prepares you both for SAA-C01 and SAA-C02 during the transition period (until June 30th). Videos specific to SAA-C02 are marked with [SAA-C02] in the title.

Welcome! I'm here to help you prepare and PASS the newest AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam...

[May 2020 Update]: 20+ videos have been updated to keep up with AWS UI changes.

[February 2020 Update - SAA-C02]: The course has been updated for the NEW 2020 exam version. Overall, 80 videos have been added or updated, and the course is now 22 hours long. Happy learning!

[July 2019 Update]: Few lectures refreshed, including AWS Budgets and EC2 placement groups.

Beginners welcome no need to know anything about AWS!

The AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate certification is one of the most challenging exams. It's great at assessing how well you understand not just AWS, but making sure you are making the best architectural decisions based on situations, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass. Rest assured, I've passed it myself with a score of 982 out of 1000. Yes, you read that right, I only made one mistake! Next, I want to help YOU pass the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate certification with flying colors.

This is going to be a long journey, but passing the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam will be worth it!


Course Content
Expand all     10 lectures    24 hours